Sanilac County Road Commission Saves Time & Money
Sanilac County Road Commission Saves Time & Money
Concern: The Road Commission is constantly looking for new means to decrease maintenance costs and “down time” to gain service for roads and the community.
Solution: The Road Commission chooses to run the nine foot Vallite High Wear Wing Blade from St. Regis Culvert to assist in decreasing maintenance costs. The Vallite blade is manufactured from heat treated thru-hardened steel for maximum abrasion resistance and edge strength. The blade is also reinforced by “Highwear” Nihard blocks supported by welded brackets and located at one foot intervals along the entire length of the blade. The blade dimensions are 5/8” x 6”. We offer various lengths and a countersunk hole design to accommodate 5/8” plow bolts.
Purchased: 24 Vallite High Wear Wing Blades since 2011.
Cost: Vallite High Wear Wing Blades are only $100.00 more expensive than Sanilac’s previous wing plow wear system – 2,300 miles per blade.
Benefits: Less downtime from frequent blade changes. Reduced damage to truck from gravel and material thrown into the rims of truck tires. Operators are able to plow more roads on one blade. The return on investment is illustrated by the near 3x more wear for approximately $100 more per blade.
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